Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Marshall, MN - Here we come!

What a day, what a day. Just returned from a trip up to Marshall, Minnesota in the 'ol Navajo.

We departed at about 8:00am and had about 1 hour and 25 minutes enroute. It rained fairly hard from Cedar Rapids up through Waterloo and then cleared up fairly nicely. We were solid IMC throughout this time, but it was just rain and actually smooth. We didn't mind at all.

We did have a flat nose tire up in Marshall. The guys up there were great and got things fixed promptly. I still don't know what caused the problem - it wasn't that bad of a landing! :P

Coming back into Cedar Rapids was a little more of a ride - a lot more bumps and more rain, but still nothing severe. Shot the ILS into Cedar Rapids - non-event as well. I guess there just isn't much to tell you about the trip! :P

Keep it real and safe.

Monday, April 23, 2007

seems 2 b fading

don't know why
but flying is kinda going away
farmers - -
they r in the fields
it's ok
i will wait
i will wait

we r on the verge of some neat stuff
my bro & i
we have worked hard
and it may pay off
but if it doesn't...
we learned a lot

beautiful night
sky is the perfect blue
crystal clear ...
calming winds
oh to own my own bird

i would've gone tonight -
4 sure
up and away

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Looking back on it all...

When you stand back and take a look at what you've done with your life, it can really be an eye-opening experience. For a 22 year-old student, I've done a lot of things and met a lot of great people. I've also met some people that I wish I hadn't met, but let's not drag this post down this early on...

For the most part, most of the people I've met have been completely awesome. I have learned many life lessons from these people and have learned that a friend can be found in just about anyone at any given time.

I just finished my last college test today and am looking forward to graduating in May. It is going to be such a freeing experience - a whole new set of goals, dreams, and aspirations start today. One of these dreams is to change the way people learn to fly.

Martina McBride has an interesting song out now and one of the lines goes something like this:
When impossible dreams seem impossible and are thrown by the wayside, dream them anyway.

Trust me, Martina. I'll dream them anyway.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

pursuit of happiness

If you haven't seen the new movie titled "Pursuit of Happiness" starring Will Smith, it is definitely worth renting or even buying. For all of us out there that are dreaming of making life better or simply moving up in the ranks of life, this movie is an inspiration for all.

One of my favorite quotes from the movie is Will Smith's character to his son:
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me. Just because they can't do it themselves, they think you can't do it either. They are wrong.
It is a perfect movie for those of us who need a "pick-me-up" when all you hear is "no you can't". This movie will definitely change your outlook on life and give you hope for overcoming anything that comes your way.

Here is a link to the official movie site: Visit the movie site here

Clear skies,

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

upside down

u can not do this in the navajo
or the "king air" or the jet

u can not do this when you
use autopilot or gps
the autopilot will be scared
4 sure

who knows what this is
upside down
u know it

a whole new perspective - there ya go

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

N39911 flies again

The great Taylorcraft recently rejoined the ranks as it jumped into the skies on Easter Sunday. Calm winds and some generally quiet weather helped make the flight possible. It was great to be flying the 'ol girl again - more beautiful than ever. It really is a joy to fly ... so much better than that stupid tank that is the Navajo. :)

Ah... I don't have it too bad, do I?

Clear skies,

Friday, April 06, 2007

wii kend

finally! the weekend is here. we're playing some serious wii right now. bowling primarily. it's good fun. we are seeing who can throw it the hardest - fitness challenge.

oh - the ideas i have rolling around in my head. all good - they should all be built, i'm sure. limited resources right now, but oh my... stay tuned. :) we are gonna change the way aviation thinks, organizes, interacts. i am positive of that!

stay tuned - clear skies!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


no - you can't
no - you shouldn't
no - you're too young



watch me
here we go
up and away
buckle in folks

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Flight Simming in Alaska

Flying isn't all about the real thing! My brother and I recently loaded up the trusty Flight Sim 2004 from Microsplat. We downloaded a model of the Aviat Husky and went for a little formation flying in Alaska.

Don't even ask me where this screenshot was taken, but we visited many different areas. As you can see, it was snowing (real-world weather). We had a blast. Later on, we put on some floats (the model came with those) and we went hopping around some lakes. The model of the Husky is pretty decent. The flight characteristics aren't bad, either. Ah, what a plane.

Sometimes you just gotta do a little gaming.

clear skies,