Friday, September 22, 2006

T.G.I.F. & Various Topics

Airport Tours
Today we gave two separate airport tours - a preschool class and a retirement community group. Both were fun and had great questions. We generally show them all about the weather information that pilots need and how pilots plan a flight, then take them through the hangar and other rooms where airplanes are worked on. The young kids always get a kick out of sitting in an airplane and being the "pilot".

Met my cousin!
Finally had a chance to meet a cousin of mine that I have talked to several times on the phone but never met in person. She attended Embry-Riddle for flight training and has up through her CFI certificate. It was great to share experiences and chat about flying.

Slow week...
Overall, it has been a slow week at the airport. Wednesday was full, but really the weather has not been great for flying, especially for solo students. Lost a couple to cancellations as well, and that never helps. Oh well.


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