Thursday, October 12, 2006

Iowa-Ohio State and other stuff...

New pictures!
Hey hey! Check out the new pictures from the Iowa-Ohio State game this year! Yes, I randomly ended up with tickets to this football which just turned out to be a major game on national television. You can see from these pictures that it was a beautiful night and a packed stadium in Iowa City, Iowa. It was crazy! What a blast.

Now, Iowa did lose, but oh well. I had fun anyway. It was a great atmosphere...

What else?
Well, it's been pretty slow lately. Winter has hit Iowa early and we have had 30+ mph winds and cold temps lately. The cold temps aren't a problem, but the 30+ mph winds across the runway aren't much fun...

Sunday I am going to fly the jump plane for the Vinton Skydivers in Vinton, IA. I did a little of this when I went to school at Des Moines ... it's not too hard and definitely something different to do! Soo.. I am reviewing some of the information and regs and getting ready to have some fun! Posted by Picasa

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