Thursday, November 09, 2006

Navajo & Me

Well, I've been putting some time in a Navajo into my logbook lately. Have been going to Kansas City and have a trip in the Navajo Saturday as well to DuPage (Chicago). It should be interesting, but I have definitely ruled out this type of flying for a career. It is too boring and redundant for me -- but I don't mind helping where I can, I suppose. I do miss flight instructing (no - I haven't quit - just been gone a couple of days - can't wait to get back). I have realized that flight instructing part time and perhaps working another job (I'd love to manage an airport) is probably my future - not corporate flying.

Oh well - life continues. It's been a while since I posted here! I'll try to do better next time. I'm trying to get some more time in the Pitts, too. :D

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