Saturday, November 25, 2006

What aviation means to you

As I continue to explore the various aspects of aviation, I can't help but realize one thing: it is extremely important to make sure that aviation is what you want it to be for you.

There are so many various jobs and experiences to be had in the aviation industry that it can be overwhelming at times, especially for those of us who want to try and do everything at least once (or twice). But amidst all of these experiences one must find what aviation means to them. Is it flying low and slow on a lazy Sunday flight? Is it a nice cross-country for supper or an adventure out west in a light aircraft? Or is it flying the heavy iron and hauling passengers around?

Whatever the choice, it is important that it is what aviation means to you. Failure to pinpoint this could result in aviation turning into just another job - just another thing that must be dealt with in life. And for those of us who are passionate about flying airplanes - the last thing we want it to be is just another job...

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