Friday, December 29, 2006

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

It has been a while since I dropped a note here. There really hasn't been much exciting going on. I continue to fly. I am doing quite a bit of charter work now with a company out of Cedar Rapids, IA. That is fun and a good change of pace from instructing, but I still can't talk myself out of teaching people to fly. It is by far the biggest rush I have experienced in aviation.

Aside from that, of course, Christmas recently passed. It was not a bad weekend, but fairly busy. I got some new toys for my computer and thus have been able to play some newer games and do things a little more quickly. Plus, I expanded my already-large 4GB music collection onto a new hard drive. :P And, I got One Six Left, the companion DVD to One Six Right. It is pretty darn cool.

Enjoy the holidays and happy new year!

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