Sunday, April 15, 2007

pursuit of happiness

If you haven't seen the new movie titled "Pursuit of Happiness" starring Will Smith, it is definitely worth renting or even buying. For all of us out there that are dreaming of making life better or simply moving up in the ranks of life, this movie is an inspiration for all.

One of my favorite quotes from the movie is Will Smith's character to his son:
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me. Just because they can't do it themselves, they think you can't do it either. They are wrong.
It is a perfect movie for those of us who need a "pick-me-up" when all you hear is "no you can't". This movie will definitely change your outlook on life and give you hope for overcoming anything that comes your way.

Here is a link to the official movie site: Visit the movie site here

Clear skies,

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