Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Thinking outside of the box

 Recently, I have decided that I hate "the box". What is "the box"? It's that thing that everyone puts you in. The box is what attempts to define who you are and what you'll be, generally based on what those before you have done and accomplished.

The box is quite limiting. It is clear to me that I think outside of the box and don't have much time for those who think inside the box. Most people think I'm going against the grain, and they're right.  That's what people who think outside the box do. Go against the grain .....

Faith. Free-thinking. Freedom. Embrace it. Make dreams a reality. Think outside the box.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i totally agree... too bad i am doing pretty much everything i was ever told to do. that may make me a weakling, but generally i like what im doing, so that cancels everything else out.